Six Ages Wiki


An overabundance of deer afflicts your wildlands. Your hunters have taken many of them, but not enough to offset the damage they’re doing to your berry patches and the bushes your goats feed upon.
  1. Announce a hunting contest, with a prize of 20 cows.
  2. Divert effort from the pastures and fields to hunting.
  3. Seek relief from Dostal the hunting god.
  4. Seek relief from spirits.
  5. Wait for wolves to increase their numbers.

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind


If you hold a contest, another clan will beat your prize, and you'll have an option of raising yours. If you do, you'll have solved the problem and probably find more clans like you--though you'll be out quite a few cows. You'll also be asked who to invite: Riders alone, Riders and Wheels, or all clans in the Black Eel Valley (only if Rams have been introduced).


See also Hunting Competition
