Six Ages Wiki


Skeletons swagger into your wildlands. The largest of them, in a reverberating voice, says, "As Undeath's Herald, it is my duty and joy to convey a message. Humakt, your so called Lord of Death, himself lies slain, laid low by Vivamort. Now is the time for <Kerenna/Korestene>, your lickspittle of Humakt, to step forward and duel me, ushering in this glorious era by joining him in nothingness."
  1. "Death cannot die!"
  2. Defy them with poems and insults.
  3. Send <Kerenna/Korestene> to duel the herald.
  4. Send warriors to attack the skeletons.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you send Kerenna or Korestene to duel the herald, then they will likely succeed and kill the undead champion, whose escort will flee. However, Kerenna/Korestene will suffer a lethal blow. Before she dies, she will pass on her sword, containing her memory. This will be one of the items you may bring with you to the Dead World near the end game; it will increase your final quester's Combat skill to the same level as Kerenna/Korestene's. You will also earn the Sword of Humakt achievement. Finally, you lose one Population and Mood is likely to rise.


News-Death of Humakt

Alternative event if neither Kerenna nor Korestene are available.

This event will always happen during the Storm Season preceding the Horizon Dies event, i.e. it signals that you will enter the endgame in just over one year.

If both Kerenna and Korestene are available, the herald will challenge Kerenna.

If neither are alive or available, then this event will not trigger, and you will instead be informed of Humakt's death via a "scroll" message, in which your god-talkers will receive a vision of Humakt being killed by Nontraya, Vivamort or other forces.

Regardless of what happens, your people will no longer die if killed, instead remaining in a zombie-like state, though this makes little difference in gameplay terms. Leaders who suffer this fate will be unable to give advice or undertake skill missions, rituals, etc.

After this event, you can no longer perform the Humakt Draws the Line ritual.

To do: Check if a generic Humakti can duel the herald.


  • "I often wonder why I have lived so long. It was to die today." - Kerenna
  • "This is the moment Kerenna trained me for." - Korestene, if the one challenged by the herald
  • "This is my aunt’s destiny." - Korestene, if Kerenna is challenged
  • "<Kerenna/Korestene> must walk alone. - Venef
  • "As strange as it sounds, this grim entity will obey the customs of the duel." - Rodene/Diplomat
  • "Shocking, but not surprising." - Doresa
  • "Let my couplets wound them." - Hanvan
  • "We can't let Korestene die for nothing." - Chalana Arroy devotee
  • "<Kerenna/Korestene> must fight this duel." - Humakt devotee
  • "Redalda has taken on the role of other fallen gods. But Death?" - Redalda devotee
  • "If death has died, the world candle has truly burned to its nub."
  • "Our failure to suppress the undead works against us here."
  • "This could not be worse."