“ | <Sole Survivor> traverses a dead and ruined world. The sky has gone entirely black. All water has frozen. Wherever <he/she> goes, all plants and animals are dead. Parts of the world have vanished altogether. <Sole Survivor> trudges past inaccessible places, cut off from the rest, adrift and shapeless. After a while, <he/she> suspects that hundreds of years have passed—or rather that years do not and cannot exist anymore. The oppressive, dangerous existence of the last decades was a paradise compared to this. <Sole Survivor> pines for death and it does not come, since even Death has died. How does <he/she> keep <his/her> mind in tact?
” |
— Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out |
If you try and keep your mind intact by recalling the clan saga, it may warm the sole survivors heart, taking inspiration from the heroes of the past. This will fill them with renewed purpose with which to fight Chaos, which has nothing similar to boast of. Alternatively, it is possible for them to be driven even deeper into despair, remembering all those who lived and were destroyed by Chaos. Still, the Sole Survivor likely wanders on.
Though there is nothing to win or lose, betting with their calf may keep the Sole Survivor sane. And should they come across someone to wager with, they'll be ready...
If they do so by recalling deeds of the slain gods, the Sole Survivor may find they no longer remember them and wander away, disconsolate.
If he or she doesn't, then the Sole Survivor may arm themselves with the despair, knowing full well that it was the rightful reaction to the end of the world. They then continue, secure in this realization.
Only your sole survivor will give advice.
- "I cannot allow this place to dominate me." - Iverlantho
- "I shall find solace in memories of my people, and my ancestors." - Venef
- "I'm good at fighting and so should find some other purpose for this limitless expanse of time." - Erenlanth/Warrior
- "I am already good at magic and should try to improve some other talent." - Doresa/Magician
- "I could kick myself for not bringing a horse." - Rodene/Redalda devotee
- "This is why I brought the calf." - Uralda devotee
- "A world destroyed by war will not be saved by it." - Chalana Arroy devotee
- "I must fight despair!"
- "I suspect that I can still die--but only when I cease to want it."