Six Ages Wiki


Word spreads through the valley that three priestesses of the <Ram> clan have been manifesting immense divine power. The Rams claim these sisters, widely separated in age, as daughters of Vingkot. This probably means that they are descended from their people’s founding god, Vingkot, though with several generations between them and that demigod. <They visited us asking for gifts for Redalda, daughter of the youngest. Apparently, they have since gained in power.>
  1. Attack the <Ram>.
  2. Gift them.
  3. Rally fellow Hyaloring clans to vigilance against Rams.
  4. Shrug and go about your business.
  5. Gift them with the horn of Vingkot.

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind


A gift will improve relations with the <Ram> clan, which might be a good thing down the road...

If you send a good diplomat and successfully rally the other Rider clans against them, you will raise your relations with them and Mood may rise. Failure will cause relations to suffer and Mood to drop instead.

If you are willing to gift them the Horn of Vingkot and your ancestors hate Ram People, the sisters may offer a ritual to end that hatred.


The text for this event changes slightly if Redalda has been born already, since you can potentially hear about the three priestesses in that event too.


  • "We can beat them." - Warrior
  • "Gods walk the world. You or I could meet them. But more often, we become gods, by allowing their power to mantle us." - Magician
  • "My father was Elmal. I say it, and you can't disprove it." - Raven trickster
  • "Rallying the people against this will win us popularity at home."
  • "Rallying other clans will bolster our reputation."
  • "If they are priestesses, they worship Nyalda like we do. They just call her by a different name."
  • "Vingkot is the son of Orlanth the Murderer, and first of the Ram people."
  • "No raids on crop season." - if it's sea season
  • "They'll call some terrible conflagration on us."