Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki


A<nother> bedraggled group of Dara Happans appears at your gate seeking food to take with them on the trail, and your hospitality for a night or two. <They come from the same empire your Rider ancestors migrated from hundreds of years ago. Threatened by advancing ice, they hid under a great dome contructed by the Emperor, which you wanted nothing to do with. These folk tell you that both the dome and glacier have been torn to bits by Chaos, forcing them to flee.> <Apparently they're from a different small city than the travellers who asked to worship.> "We heard you are Orlanthi who also worship our god, Antirius the Little Sun, whom you call Yelmalio. Though we have nothing to offer in return, we ask your aid on that basis."
  1. Agree.
  2. Agree, in exchange for that gold disk they're carrying.
  3. Politely refuse.
  4. Scornfully refuse.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you agree, you are given the choice of whether to supply them generously. If you do, you will of course lose a not insignificant amount of food. Your people may think you are starving yourselves for the benefit of others, and mood may go down. Alternatively, people may celebrate you are doing well enough to be able to exercise generosity. If so, mood rises and you may gain a reputation for feeding strangers.

If you agree in exchange for that gold disk, they plead that it's their only remaining connection to their god. You have the options to Relent, Let them go, or Take the disk. If you relent, you are given the option to still show generosity. If you don't, they stay a brief while, behaving honorably; food goes down.

If you politely refuse, the people may praise the ring for protecting them over assisting outsiders; mood may improve.


  • "Their dead emperors mean nothing to us." - Iverlantho
  • "A king must think about more than himself." - Venef
  • "The greatest treasures are intangible." - Sereden
  • "As transients they can't trouble us the way unhappy neighbors might." - Reda/Diplomat
  • "Scorn them! Scorn them!" - Eurmal trickster
  • "Their thin gold disk is probably worth <eight/nine> cows."
  • "Some call Yelmalio Sun-Spear a brother to Elmal. Others call him a False Sun."
  • "Hospitality won't cost us, but we don't have food to give outsiders."
  • "If we send them off with food, at least we have enough right now."
  • "Save our generosity for Chaos fighters."
  • "This is a chance to show our people to care about others."
  • "The empire is forgotten trash, and so are they."
  • "Our Rider bloodlines were cradled in the empire."
  • "Many choice japes spring to mind."
  • "Our people care about strangers."