Six Ages Wiki

King Beren, as seen in the Gods War, wearing his Crown.

This crown was worn by Beren, the founder and first king of the Berenethtelli tribe, and his successors. It was made by melting down Hyalor's golden tablet, which forbade the rulership of kings, a law that your clan decided to abandon. Together with the Horn of Vingkot and the Mantle of Redalda, the Crown forms the tribe's royal regalia. Unfortunately, it was lost when King Vinglanth perished in battle.

At some point after the original crown was lost, a new one was made. Its has a similar design, but is much taller and more ornate, though it lacks the original's power and does not count as a treasure. Iverlantho can be seen wearing this new crown in some of the artwork for events.


The Crown is first mentioned in Lights Going Out, though it does appear on the artwork during the good ending of Ride Like the Wind.

Although you may be prompted to search for the Crown after you have obtained the Horn of Vingkot and the Mantle of Redalda, it appears that all such expeditions will fail. Teghern may appear to your king during an event and offer the Crown as a devil's bargain, but this one appears to be a fake.

This is further corroborated by the fact that there is no achievement for reassembling the royal regalia, and that Sereden can mention that you'll only find the crown after the world has died.

