Six Ages Wiki


The contentious divorce of <Husband> and <Wife>, originally from the <Other> clan, is just the latest in a spate of failed marriages. <They blame each other for a variety of affronts/With no children, the couple see no reason to stay together/Both have a long list of complaints>.

According to Vingkot's law, the wife always returns home with her dowry. In this case, it was worth the traditional ten cows. Unfortunately, <Husband> <sacrificed it in vain/says <Wife> had spent it long ago/gambled it away>. <Wife> insists that he—or his kin—are responsible for returning it. Traditionally the king would resolve disputes between clans, though he would usually appoint a mediator if there were a conflict of interest.

  1. Persuade the couple to stay married.
  2. Draw remnant magic from your temple to Ernalda, goddess of marriage.
  3. Convince the <Wife's Clan>s not to demand repayment.
  4. Pay <Wife>'s dowry to the <Wife's Clan>s.
  5. Ask another clan to mediate.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you successfully draw remnant magic from your temple to Ernalda then the residual warmth of Ernalda's love will flow over the husband and wife. They then agree to renew their vows inside the temple. Mood likely improves.

If you try to convince the <Wife's Clan>s not to demand repayment, you must first choose who to go and convince them, as well as which of the following arguments they make:

  1. Lean on them.
  2. "With Ernalda dead, neither <Husband> or <Wife> is at fault for the divorce."
  3. Blame <Wife> for the divorce.
  4. Persuade them to drop the matter.

If you try to argue that with Ernalda dead, neither <Husband> or <Wife> is at fault, then the wife's clan may argue that with the marriage goddess dead, humans must work even harder to uphold marriage traditions, and insist upon repayment. You now have the choice of paying them back or not. If you do, you have the choice of how to repay. If you repay in goods, you lose 10 Goods and 1 Population, but maintain your relations with the wife's clan.


  • "Orlanth routinely judged agains his own kin. I will handle this." - Iverlantho
  • "I will never know marriage, but I do know that you keep your word." - Kerenna/Humakt devotee
  • "Occasionally divorces become a serious problem between two clans, and can even turn to violence. We need to approach this delicately." - Reda/Diplomat
  • "<Wife> has followed the law. We should too." - Lhankor Mhy devotee
  • "Our Ernalda temple has enough residual magic that we could not only resolve this marriage, but others." - if you still maintain a temple to Ernalda
  • "Ernalda can't help us."
  • "It's just a coincidence that so many marriages end in divorce."
  • "Orlanth wooed Ernalda, but really Ernalda was testing him. Then they said the first marriage voews together."
  • "When we were Riders, our marriage customs were a bit different."