Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki


The <Yelm Seeker>s, who believe that the original sun god, Yelm, has come back to life, are constructing a temple to him. According to them, the consecration rite will aid him in burning off the layer of dead clouds choking the sky, banishing Chaos from the world. Though they are <Riders>, other Orlanthi clans have agreed to help them. As your allies, they expect you do join as well.
  1. Send token support: a gift of 10 cows.
  2. Send workers to help build the temple.
  3. Warn others against participation.
  4. Wait and watch.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you send a token support of 10 cows, depending on the skill of your chosen diplomat, the other clan may be satisfied with this. You then have the choice of whether to attend next year or not.


  • "Involvement would be unwise." - Venef
  • "The king of our gods, Orlanth, rebelled against Yelm and slew him."
  • "Unlike his father, Yelm, our sun god, Elmal, joined Orlanth's kingdom."
  • "People say 'that's a mere gesture' like it's a criticism."
  • "As our allies, we must support them, at least a little." - Rodene/Diplomat
  • "I knew we would hear more of this Yelm talk."