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Six Ages Wiki

Busenari is the solar pantheon goddess of cattle. Aside from the Pure Horse Clan she is venerated by all Riders. She is also worshiped by Wheels, although the Rams have their own Cow Mother, Uralda. She is the spiritual daughter (or sister, depending on the myth) of the earth goddess, Nyalda. Busenari once served Yelm, and now serves Elmal in return for his protection. Busenari was once stolen by trolls, and rescued by Elmal. 

Ride Like the Wind[]


You can build a temple or shrine to Busenari, and the Clay Cow treasure reduces the number of Busenari worshipers needed to do so. If you build a temple to her, you may see the event Busenari Temple Request.

Her blessings are: 

  • Calf Blessing: Increases the fertility of our cows.
  • Cattle Ward: Protects our cattle herd from raids and predators. 
  • Milk Blessing: Increases the yield of our cows.

If you choose for your clan to have supported Busenari with the Milk Gift during clan creation, then you will start Ride Like the Wind knowing her Milk Blessing. Your leaders will also have extra high Food skills.

Besides the above-mentioned Clay Cow, other treasures associated with Busenari are Busenari's Bell, which increases survival rate of calves and kids; the Emblem of Busenari, a holy emblem that, after sewn onto your story tent, improves mood when provisions are well husbanded; and the Nose Ring of Busenari, which increases fruitfulness of your herds when you put Busenari worshipers to the test.

On the Circle[]

Rune Cow

Having a worshiper of Busenari on the Clan Circle allows you to put an extra point of magic into Herds during Sacred Time

All members of Busenari's cult are female. They tend to be good herders or, more seldomly, talented magicians. In the noble selection screens, her worshipers are marked with the Cow rune.


Your advisors say of Busenari: 

  • "When the exodus came, Busenari followed the sunpath to Elmal's side." 
  • "When Yelm died, Busenari could not find her barn. Then Elmal’s light showed her the way."
  • "Trolls came and stole the Cow Mother. Elmal found her before they could eat her, and they said, 'She was wandering, and we gave her shelter.'"
  • "Wolves have been Busenari's enemy since the birth of the first calf." 
  • "Busenari said, 'All the cows are my daughters.' Ekarna replied, 'And the gold they fetch will arm our sons.'" 
  • "During the War of Many Suns, Busenari was sent as a hostage to the Golden Men. Elmal soon rescued her." 
  • "Nyalda is the Earth Mother, but her daughter Busenari is in charge of fertile pastures."  


Busenari's myth is Busenari Finds the Light. It is the basis for the ritual Busenari Light Finder. This ritual will be a bit easier if your clan chose to support her during Ride Like the Wind's clan creation.

Busenari also appears in Nyalda's Bride Price and Zarlen's First Wander. She is briefly mentioned in Ekarna's Four Trades.

Other Stories[]

Busenari appears in other stories of Glorantha:
