Six Ages Wiki


A thick black fog rolls over your lands, as if night has literally fallen on the land. It terrifies your livestock, some of whom panic and die. Though it is the middle of the day, you can’t see your outstretched hand. Even a burning torch adds only a few hands of visibility. No one needs priests to tell them that this manifestation of worsening darkness is a terrible omen. The priests say it has drained away the clan’s magic.
  1. Call on Elmal to disperse it with sacred fire.
  2. Call on horse spirits to disperse it with their galloping.
  3. Conduct a divination.
  4. Inspire the people to remain calm.

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind


At the start of the event, Mood drops, you lose some Herds, and a significant amount of Magic.

Calling on Elmal can work and increase Clan Magic (sometimes even restoring more than was lost, though sometimes less), or it can fail and cost even more magic. Success will lead Mood to improve.

Calling on Horse Spirits can also work, but won't return the magic. Mood will improve.

If you conduct a divination you may choose whether to call upon Gods or Spirits. If you call upon spirits, owls will respond, saying they see the darkness spread around the world. Although they admit they like the night, they fear what will happen without the day. If you call upon gods, Elmal's sword bearers will describe Elmal struggling to fight spreading darkness. They imply he might've been able to handle it, but other forces chose to side with darkness, naming the rams. You may conduct both divinations in the same event, and it will not tax magic.


  • "How will we hunt if we can no longer see?" - Dostal worshiper
  • "If the world becomes dark, trade routes will shrink." - Ekarna worshiper
  • "Horse spirits will help." - Gamari worshiper
  • "There is nothing about black fog on the fabric of the story tent." - Relandar worshiper/Lore expert
  • "Our best chance lies in a generous sacrifice to Elmal." - Magician
  • "Our mood will grow worse and worse until the darkness lifts."
  • "I don't like this."
  • "The Rams brought about the darkness when their criminal deity, Orlanth, murdered the imperial sun god, Yelm."
  • "We should have found a spirit to protect us against this."
  • "It's back! This is not good." - upon repeat event
  • "Let us laugh, so we do not cry." - Raven trickster