Six Ages Wiki


Many portents attend a recent birth. Henmul and Nerya, of the <family> bloodline, have given birth to their first child. The sky smiled on the moment of his birth: Zarlen the Wandering Star circled Elmal the Guardian as he reached his celestial apex. A white calf and a black goat kid were born the next moment, minutes apart. The child is the first male born to the <family> in some time. They claim that their main male line, including Henmul, descend from Verlaro, son of your primary god, Elmal. The family asks that the clan recognize the auspiciousness of this new arrival, who they have named Beren."
  1. Announce the birth to other Rider clans.
  2. Perform a divination to test the newborn’s purported connection to Elmal.
  3. Sacrifice to Elmal in his name.
  4. Show no favoritism.
  5. Throw a feast.

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind


At the start of the event, your Population increases by one.

If you decide to announce the birth to other Rider clans, you must first choose what leader to send and the size of their escort. A skilled diplomat can convince your neighbors that this is an important event; a less skilled one will find that it's hard to get people excited about someone else's new baby. Success will raise your Mood and improve relations with other clans.

If you perform a divination, you must first decide whether to ask the gods or the spirits. Naturally, gods know more about divine matters, but even the spirits will recognize that a strong aura surrounds the boy. If you ask the gods, they will confirm the child's connection to Elmal. The priests may even see a vision of Beren holding a golden mirror. Mood improves, but you lose a point of Magic.

A sacrifice will aid Beren later in life.

If you show no favoritism, people may wonder if the circle didn't miss their chance for something special, and Mood drops.

If you throw a feast, you must decide whether to reveal Beren's connection to Elmal or not. If you do, and things go well, Mood improves. If they don't Mood drops.


This event will always occur early in the game.


  • "Due to adoptions, divine genealogy cannot be sorted out merely by studying the emblems embroidered on our story tent." - Relandar worshiper
  • "No point asking spirits about divine matters." - Shaman
  • "As kin to Henmul, it is not for me to suggest how extravagantly you should celebrate this great moment in our clan's history." - Elmal devotee belonging to the same family as Henmul
  • "I can tell our emissary what to say."
  • "He is of divine blood. A sacrifice will speed his way through life."
  • "Verlaro proved himself the lesser of Elmal's two Hyaloring children. His sister Osara we venerate as a goddess."
  • "A great hero in our midst? We aren't that lucky."