Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki

The Bearwoods is a forested area along the Oslira river, west of the Black Eel valley and north of the Whisperlands. It is home to roving bands of Odayla-worshiping hunters. Odayla lends the shamans of these people the power to transform into bears.

Blood grouses can be found living here.

Lights Going Out[]

The Bearwoods appear for the first time in Lights Going Out.

If you send a Dostal devotee here, you have a greater chance of triggering the confrontation with its inhabitants (see below) but if you send someone devoted to a different god, you may instead receive a variation of the following report:

I am back from exploring the Bearwoods. I spotted some of the hunters who dwell there. These roving folk worship a bear god, Odayla, who lends its form to their shamans. I don't worship Dostal, so I hold no grudge against Odayla and felt no obligation to confront them. And indeed we evaded their notice. <However, if these was anything of interest in the area, I couldn't find it/Once we were clear of them I was able to find <a treasure, the <Random Treasure>. It <Treasure Description>/shields and relics worth <Number> cows>>.


The following Lights Going Out events occur in the Bearwoods:

