Six Ages Wiki
Six Ages Wiki
Beren and Redalda at Stormfall

Beren and Redalda battle at Stormfall.

Stormfall was a battle between the Storm gods and the Orlanthi peoples against Wakboth and his forces of Chaos. It occurred sometime near the end of the Storm Age and at the onset of the Great Darkness. As Wakboth and his forces marched from the north, Orlanthi gods, heroes, tribal kings, and their forces, gathered to face them at Umath's Camp. Beren, Redalda, and their Berenethtelli army, fought at Stormfall. Beren fought better than any of the other kings, but it was ultimately not enough to win the battle. Many heroes fell during Stormfall and, in the end, Orlanth himself had to call for a retreat. Only Humakt and his champions remained while the rest of the army escaped.


Spike Mountain is destroyed by the forces of Chaos.

After the retreat of the Storm gods, Wakboth's army marched on the Storm Tribe's fort and defeated both Orlanth and Humakt. The Chaos gods then ransacked and destroyed the fort, including Spike, the mountain that it stood on. The resulting explosion was so powerful that the mountain itself was turned to dust, which the remaining Storm gods spread across the world in their escape. As a result, the sky itself was blighted and the whole world was covered in darkness.

Stormfall was the first defeat against Chaos, but neither the last or the worst.

After the battle and the blanketing of the heavens, many mystical connections to the sky lost their powers. For instance, Yarm trees—the magical fruit bearing trees from Nivorah—died soon after, and the worship of Buseryan Sky Watcher could no longer be maintained with the stars no longer visible.

Lights Going Out[]

The events leading up to and taking place at the Battle of Stormfall is told in Lights Going Out's clan creation. You will have the choice of how Beren and Redalda chose to fight during the battle, which will give you a bonus when fighting Chaos the same way throughout the game.

You may hear the following report by one of your nobles:

Supposedly the <Rider clan> have managed to grow a yarm tree. This magical fruit used to grow in the Golden City, and our ancestors brought a cutting with them when they left. But despite our best care, we couldn't keep it alive after the Battle of Stormfall. Neither could anyone else. It's hard to believe this story.


Your clan ring may have the following to say of Stormfall:

  • "Redalda was born a mortal, becoming a goddess some time after Stormfall."
  • "Beren fought defensively at the Battle of Stormfall." - if you chose for Beren to fight cautiously during clan creation
  • "Beren used magic to destroy many Chaos horrors at the Battle of Stormfall." - if you chose for Beren to fight with magic during clan creation
  • "Knowing the foe would cheat, at the Battle of Stormfall, Beren used clever tactics." - if you chose for Beren to fight with guile during clan creation
  • "Beren may have fought bravely and well at the Battle of Stormfall, but we still lost."

Other Stories[]

You can read more about the Battle of Stormfall on the Glorantha wiki here.
