Basmol locked in combat with his foe Tada.
Basmol the Lion is a beast god foreign to the peoples of the Black Eel Valley.
Ride Like the Wind[]
In Ride Like the Wind, your ritualists may encounter Basmol, should they become lost in the Gods War. Without aid, he will lose his fight with Tada; thus, he will be grateful if your noble intercedes on his behalf, and help them return to the ritual path. See the event Gods War: Hero and Beast God.
Lights Going Out[]
In Lights Going Out, your questers in the Gods War may once again come across Basmol's battle with Tada, see the event Other Side: Outlander Gods Battle.
Other Stories[]
Other stories of Glorantha say that Basmol, though slain by Tada, is still worshiped by the Basmoli lion shapeshifters and the Basmol Clan of Ralia, who claim descent from him.
And in King of Dragon Pass clans whose ancestral enemies are the beastmen fought Ukkar Gra, King of the Basmoli Beastmen, in their distant past.