Six Ages Wiki


Your shepherds chase off intruders before they can steal your sheep. The boys can't agree on who they saw. Half say the interlopers wore <Clan> insignia. The others claim they saw telltale symptoms of bodies warped by Chaos.
  1. Complain to the <accused> clan.
  2. Contact wandering Uroxi to scour for Chaos.
  3. Praise the shepherds' vigilance.
  4. Send out a hunting party to find the intruders.

Six Ages 2: Lights Going Out


If you contact wandering Uroxi, choose a noble to seek them out. If you successfully find them, the Uroxi may claim to have found and wiped out the Chaos folk, demanding payment afterwards for future support. If you comply and sufficiently pay, they express that we help reduce local Chaos though that gift.

If you praise the shepherds' vigilance, the people may express that words are not substitute for action; mood may fall.

If you send out a hunting party to find the intruders, you must first decide which noble to lead them and how many to send. It may be that you may not find the thieves, but their tracks lead to the accused clan, so it was probably them. The leading noble may suggest you send a livestock raid of your own against them at a later time.


  • "Not a matter for royal concern." - Iverlantho
  • "If this is happening, something worse is not." - Venef
  • "If we think it's Chaos, send a strong force or send no one." - Kerenna/Korestene
  • "We could stand to improve the <accused clan> attitude towards us, and making a fuss over a sheep raid isn't the way to do it." - Reda
  • "Any neighbor, hostile or not, might take a few sheep, given the chance." - Rodene
  • "Dostal has gifted me with a knowledge of tracking." - Hanth/Hanvan/Dostal devotee
  • "I asked the spirits, but none of them saw the tresspasers." - Dresta / Doresa / Shaman
  • "Uroxi will ask for a gift, and keep it whether our trespassers are Chaos or not."
  • "They were mutants. I am sure of it."
  • "We must know if this was Chaos or not."
  • "It is good to see vigilance for once."
  • "Shepherding is how boys learn to be men."
  • "Voriof, son of Orlanth and Ernalda, <is/was> the god of boys." - depends on whether Death of Voriof has happened