Astragor is a member of the player clan in the prologue of Six Ages: Lights Going Out. He serves as a member of Brolarulf's clan ring for the whole of the prologue, which starts when he is 29 years old. Before the start of the game proper, and Iverlantho's ascension to the Berenethtelli throne, he died along with his sovereign and the rest of the ring in either the Blue Plague or the Blood Blizzard.
He has the following advice to give:
- "We have an advantage over the Forosilvuli or Vestantes, in that we ride and they don't. But Orlanth could favor either one of us."
- "Whoever we raid today will raid us in the future. Berenstead’s wards against storm worshipers will protect us from retaliation from the Forosilvuli or Vestantes."
- "Whoever we raid today will raid us in the future. Berenstead’s wards against sun worshipers will protect us from counter-raids from Wheels or Riders."
- "When Beren married Redalda, Orlanth and Ernalda joined Elmal as our main deities."
- "This is a sign of how awful things have gotten. The Berenethtelli was once the brightest light in the valley."
- "First Ernalda, then Orlanth, now Issaries and Lhankor Mhy!"
Skills & Religion[]
Astragor is a worshiper of Orlanth and skilled in combat.