Six Ages Wiki


A delegation from a Ram tribe that lives to the south of the valley, the Penentelli, requests parley with you at your clan boundaries. They don’t speak your proper language, but can only be communicated with using basic Tradetalk. They are clearly different from the other Ram People you know live across the Black Eel River.

They have heard that you are in contact with powerful antler spirits and hope to engage your shamans to conduct a ritual for them. The Penentelli seek contact with a bronze-horned ordeed, a special type of the antelope they use to pull their ceremonial chariots. The entirety of the king’s breeding stock was just eaten by trolls. The Penentelli want the Antler Society shamans to call a pair of them, impelling them to visit their lands.

  1. Agree, as a gift.
  2. Agree, in exchange for a treasure.
  3. Agree, in exchange for goods.
  4. Ask how they heard about the Antler Society.
  5. Attack them.

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind


If you ask how they heard about the Antlers, the Penentelli will explain that their fame has traveled far. You can then choose another option.

The treasure the Penentelli offer is the Necklace of the Four Kingdoms, which grants your explorers good luck while in any of the four Southern Ram Kingdoms.
