Six Ages Wiki


The Alkothi have been your so-called guests for <number> seasons now and show no signs of departing. They have raided many of your neighbors and eaten large quantities of your cows and goats. When confronted about this pilferage, they merely shrug. Your people understand that we hadn’t really been given a choice to guest them, but <are tired of the constant pilferage/are weary of getting only stale leftovers/are having nightmares of demons>.
  1. Covertly send spirits to vex them.
  2. Murder them in their sleep.
  3. Convince them they have little to gain by remaining.
  4. Wait this out.

Six Ages: Ride Like the Wind


Sending spirits to vex them can result in the Alkothi calling on Shargash to divine the source of the problem. They will then kill some of your children, and resolve to stay even longer.

Murdering them in their sleep can remove the problem, and if your ancestors hate Dara Happans they will bless you for it. However, you will have a bad reputation for breaking hospitality, even though the Alkothi did so first by stealing from your clan.

If you fail to get rid of the Alkothi, this event will repeat until you do it. You will gain additional stress concerns (morale, food, etc) due to their presence.
